Issue No. 175

175 3/2024 EN

Starting with 2017, “Audit Financiar” Journal is published on a quarterly basis. The Journal is scheduled for publication on February, May, August and November. This decision is due to the fact that we do not want to compromise the quality of published articles.

Audit Financiar” Journal has been published by the Chamber of Financial Auditors in Romania since 2003 and has appeared without interruption ever since. During this period, the Journal obtained a reputation for the accounting profession, in general, and for financial auditors, in particular, as well as for the academia. Its pages contain articles of authors from the scientific and university environment, both from Romania and abroad, and articles of professional practitioners, as well as of young researchers, focusing mainly on the fields of financial audit, accounting, finance, management and law. Starting with the first issue of the year 2015, the Journal has been published as a bilingual version (Romanian/English) and has been posted in a complete form, electronically on the Journal’s website.

Articles can be sent to: or

For more details, please refer to the other sections of the website.

The editors provide translations only for foreign authors.


ISSN Print: 1583-5812
ISSN Online: 1844-8801




International databases:

      • EBSCO Publishing
      • ProQuest LLC
      • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
      • Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
      • Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)

International registers:

  • The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
  • GIF (Global Impact Factor)
  • Google Scholar
  • Index Copernicus International

Virtual Libraries:

    • Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities (Business Directories – Economics & Finance)
    • Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory
    • ZBW – Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

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