Statement of Ethics and Malpractice Prevention 

The articles submitted for publication in the “Audit Financiar” Journal must comply with the following ethical and malpractice prevention requirements: 

  • All authors must have contributed effectively and substantially to the writing of the paper and must assume public and explicit responsibility for its content; 
  • Papers signed by several authors are accepted provided that the authors agree with the submission of the text for publication and that the final version of the article is seen and approved by each of them; 
  • All received articles shall be cross-checked, in both Romanian and English versions. The editorial team may reserve the right to reject any article for which, at first check, an originality percentage of less than 90% has been obtained (either for the Romanian or English version); 
  • A paper may be submitted for publication only if the respective paper has not been published before, in the same form or in a substantially similar form, and if it is not considered for publication by another journal. In this respect the editorial office reserves its right to request from the authors a Statement confirming the originality of the manuscript submitted for publication; 
  • The submission of the article implies that the authors have already obtained all necessary authorizations to include materials such as figures and tables from other publications; 
  • The paper does not contain slanderous or illegal statements and does not contain any material or instructions that could cause any damage or loss. 

The authors of the articles published in the Audit Financiar Journal are forced to observe any reasonable request for qualified review of the research methods described in the paper. If there are software applications that are developed and used in the papers, they should be made available to the reviewers upon request. 

The Scientific Editorial Board, the external evaluators and the editorial team shall not take any responsibility for the content of the articles published in the Journal, whether they are in Romanian or in English. The authors are held responsible for any possible fraud in the submitted paper. 

For authors who do not act in accordance with these principles, the Editor of “Audit Financiar” Journal may withdraw their right to publish in this Journal.